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In the News

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GM Chamber of Commerce

European Expansion

In October, innovation engineers Axelisys opened Axelisus OU to strengthen its European ops.


BzSkits, Axelisys Blog

Tech's Short Skills.

Britain’s most innovative digital firms tackle a problem that has troubled the tech industry for two decades.



Lunch with Axelisys

Our Chief Executive spoke to the Fintech Times about Axelisys. Ethar explained our pillars of business, what we do, how we do it & the Fintech Times were fascinated by our highly adaptive structure.


UK Business Circle

Data Breaches in the 21st Century

Not least the uber-sensitive information lost most recently by the Ashley Madison website. This continues an explosive trend initially seen in early 2014 for large scale, sensitive data leaks.


Growth Business

Budget 2017

Ethar spoke to growth business about what companies should hope for from the chancellor's bug day. Suggesting the Budget announcement must assure businesses action is taken to save the UK economy from what a “cliff edge drop”.


Enterprise Nation, Guest Writer

Cloud Computing Helps Business grow

With most US businesses now using Cloud, it has already delivered on its potential to revolutionise the way we do digital commerce.


Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce

SME Missed in UK Gov Targets.

Long winded, wasteful and ineffective tender processes are disengaging SME's and costing businesses and HMRC many millions every year.


BzSkits, Axelisys Blog

Madlab's New Fablab Lives up to its name.

Manchester’s most famous Community tech org opens its FabLab in the City. We were given a privileged, detailed look behind-the-scenes by test driving it for work for an afternoon.